Wednesday, 15 June 2011
A Change is gonna Come.....
There is a lot of same patterns in the world today. There are still people starting wars with each other, raping the earth of its natural resources and inflicting such cruelty upon all the animals that inhabit the earth. This planet has been on a cycle of suffering and fear for millennia. We have now reached our crescendo here in the 21st century. Now is the time where enough of the human race are willing to take a stand and pioneer these changes that have been trying to manifest over the centuries.
Many of you may or may not know the paranoia surrounding 2012 - it's the end of the world, so they say. Apparently the Mayan's stopping writing the calendar constitutes as the end of all creation on this planet. Did it not occur to anyone that perhaps the Mayan's just stopped writing the calendar, they looked around, thought " Wow, here we have been head stuck in numbers and measuring time there is a big world out there damnit, let's explore! " So down went the pen - Quill - whatever they wrote with and out they went into the big wide world to see what they have been missing, rising up and ascending to new heights. Forward hundreds of years later some stuffy scholar sees the end of the calendar, ensue panic (insert your chosen disaster movie scene here) all for nothing. It goes to show that a) the Mayan's realised something pretty profound and b) we like a good panic - Y2K anyone?! Great Change is coming in 2012, a cosmic shift. A new cycle is beginning, one that promotes great Love where there was once great fear.
Fundamentally as human beings we resist change. It's habit. We use the same brand of products, go to the same restaurants to eat, the same shops to buy our clothes. Yet change is inevitable. We experience it throughout our lives - we began our journey's as tiny embryo's all amorphous til we begin to form into what resembles a peanut with bits sticking out, then further change sees us become babies. Then once we are born we grow up, learning to talk, walk, read, right etc we do not fight these changes as how can we fight them, it's a natural progression. No one was born fearing change , fearing change is something we all learn. Some changes can be shocking, the loss of a loved one as an example. Yet even the most painful of changes can yield such healing and an opportunity to go deeper into our well within, experiencing new levels of wonderment in our lives.
Imagine on a singular level all the changes you go through in your life and how overwhelming it can feel: the bone-crunching terror, the soul-raw grief, the broken record of worry and doubt, the dizzy panic. All that negative stuff effects us physically and emotionally, we get sick to our stomach from so much worry and fear. Now imagine everyone in the world's own feelings of this all culminating into one magnanimous mass that bleeds back into the earth through every action taken and every breathe breathed, every single worry and piece of fear is like a weed growing inside the earth's core Now imagine all the joy you feel in life, the sweetness of love, the birdsong - laughter, the times you catch yourself overflowing with gratitude, the times you stand in your power realising you are the sun, the stars, the moon and every single drop of rain. Now imagine everyone in the world's own feelings of this all culminating into one spherical ball of multicoloured energy, see this entering the earth and how all this love creates a sense of great harmony within the world and a profound sense that we are all one, all part of the same infinite divine love To create change cosmically we first must seek what needs to change within ourselves individually. The more each of us turns to face our own inner storms, breaking down the patterns and habits til all that's left is your divinity, your own sacredness, the more we can change what is happening globally
Everyone has light within them, imagine it's like your own personal Sun, getting brighter and brighter the more you realise and allow these changes to happen, to welcome all the parts of you that are within the space: the good, the bad and the downright ugly. We are each an important puzzle piece and the more we let our suns burn brightly the easier it is to see the outward manifestations of change within our world. . Every fear is just the child within us crying out to be heard and loved. Globally, as I mentioned, sheer panic has been the main focal point of the human race for many millennia. The Ego has reigned supreme for generations. Gradually now, the highest Self we have is rising to the surface in many. Great change is occurring, not just in individuals lives but planetary too. . Part of the great change comes in the form of Natural Disasters: The Earth is shifting and changing as are We, as She changes and begins releasing from Her core We are all affected by it as is She affected by Us and our own personal changes. . There is great beauty in the world also, we see this as we look at the greatest works of art in Nature that mother earth has created, in every birth we witness and the miracles that are born from such tragedy.
In my own life I have become aware of how much I have changed not just in appearance but inwardly too. Very recently I experienced grief which is one of the more unpleasant changes we all go though in our lives. Alfie my sister and her fiancé's cat, who myself and my parents often looked after, was run over and killed. When my mum told me I was overcome with such grief the likes of which I have not experienced since I lost my beloved grandmother 10 years ago. I sobbed from the core of me and was screaming in utter shock and pain. The change I became aware of was that I allowed this grief to be fully expressed. With my grandma I held it in for a good year before the gates opened and it all came flooding out in one world-crushing torrent. This time I heard a voice in my head gently say let it all out, don't hold it in, let it go. I also heard the same voice when I had been saying how I did not like this grief say who does? no one likes grief, no one likes to be sad it's just part of life. Who's judging? I realised that after all this inner work I have finally reached a place where this tragic thing had happened and as much as I was feeling the stages of grief I also was observing these feelings with a peace that I retained throughout the inaudible sobbing and soul deep sadness, a profound knowingness that I would be ok. Goes to show that Change creeps up on you and you may not realise it has happened but sure enough you experience something that shows you, you have.
For those that wonder 'how do I change' or cannot even believe it makes a difference what one person does I offer this: go outside, walk out your front door and look around you. Notice everything.
It's the simple things in life like seeing a bird in flight, watching the blossom get carried through the air by a light breeze or how the sunlight falls in a space creating a magical way of viewing such an ordinary place or object. These are the things that mean so much. We spend our lives always one step ahead thinking we will somehow miss out on something if we don't keep skipping steps. When in actuality we are missing out on so much by skipping those steps in a rush to get to some proverbial finish line where we imagine we will be who we want to be, where we want to be with all those things we dreamed. When we need to realise that we already are who we want to be and we have everything we could ever need. When we come into the present moment it is there and only there that we can truly see ourselves and the world and begin to really make the changes we need to and see them come to life.
When I hear about fighting amongst cities, countries and individuals I always think if they were to just stop, lay down all arms and go out their front door they would notice that flower that has always been there gently dancing in the breeze, they'd see the bird in flight or how if you stop and look you can see each separate drop of rain touch the ground. And they would know that here in the present moment there is no hatred, no fear, just Love: only Love and no one would ever pick up a weapon; be it an object or a fist or negative words. Call me an idealist, romanticist, say "it's easier said than done" but I challenge you to try it. Next time you feel angry, sad etc or are resisting something: Stop. Just Stop. Be Still, close your eyes for a moment, Breathe In and Open Your Eyes and look at your surroundings: I mean really look and notice what is different.
Ghandi was the one who said "Be the change you seek in the world" such wise words. So Dear Ones go Be the Change you are seeking. Don't wait, don't doubt, just Leap into Life and know you are always in safe hands.
Till next time x
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